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The Only Adult Toys Starter Guide You Need

Every lady wants their own Sally Albright experience.

Gone are the days when society judged us for putting sexual satisfaction first. What once was taboo now has a wide range of literature that allows everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, to ensure they get it done IYKWIM. 

Sadly, though, there are still people who fear these fantastic gifts from the universe. Fear not, my dears, for that is what I’m here for. We’ll do a deep dive into the wonderful world of adult toys so you can find out why you need one. 

How to Find ‘The One’

Searching for the perfect vibrator when you’re a beginner can be terrifying. The option paralysis can make you go crazy. So here’s a little rundown of the mainstays in the sex toy world. 

  • Bullet Vibrators: Bullet vibrators are the perfect introduction for beginners. They are discreet (they can be pretty small) and easy to use. These bad boys offer gentle stimulation for newcomers by stimulating various erogenous zones.
  • Dildos: Dildos are the penetrative alternative. Think of it as a mock-up of a dick. Look for one that suits your desired length and girth, and consider options with a suction cup for hands-free play. 
  • Cock Rings: If you’re scared to try toys on your own, then this is the device for you, my friend. Cock rings allow both you and your partner to enjoy and could help maintain a longer-lasting erection. 
  • Butt Plugs: Yes, it’s as literal as it sounds. But if you’re interested in exploring anal play, consider small and tapered butt plugs with a flared base for safety.

Don’t Forget the Lube (For Your Own Good)

The anxiety of trying something new can mostly harshen your vibe. There’s no shame in using lube, and it can significantly enhance your sexual experiences with or without toys. 

It’s essential for comfort and preventing irritation. I’d suggest starting with a water-based lubricant, as it’s safe for most toys and less likely to cause allergic reactions.

The Low Down For the Down Low

I’m proud of you for making it this far. For a beginner’s adult toys starter kit, don’t be afraid to mix it up. Give both clitoral and penetrative toys a shot. Maybe even get one of each so you’d know which one works best. 

Our friends from Adutoys help us out with the ins and outs of sex toys so you no longer have to scour the internet for tips.

G-Spot vs. Clitoral Stimulation

Choose adult toys based on the sensations you enjoy. G-spot vibrators are ideal for internal pleasure, while clitoral stimulators are self-explanatory.

If you aim to achieve orgasm, clitoral stimulators may be a better choice, as many vulva owners require clitoral stimulation to climax.

Suction Vibrator vs. Wand Vibrator

Suction vibrators mimic oral sex and offer a unique sensation. Wand vibrators are versatile, offering clitoral stimulation and body massages. Choose the one that aligns with your preferences.

Overcoming Nervousness

Don’t rush the process. Take your time researching and feel comfortable before making a purchase. Online shopping allows for discreet buying and extensive product research. 

Most toys come in discreet packaging, so you don’t have to worry about embarrassment when receiving them.

Care and Cleaning Adult Toys

Don’t ever forget about this! Clean your toy before and after each use with warm water and a toy cleaner or sterilizing fluid. 

Adult toys go places *wink wink*, so give them a good rub down (I swear this isn’t intentional) and dry them off before storing them separately. 

Using Adult Toys with a Partner

Adult toys can enhance pleasure and intimacy with your partner. Consent is essential, people. Communicate your intention and find a compromise if you’re both still on the fence. 

The reassurance that this is all for both your benefit might help with having an open mind in bringing toys to the bedroom.

Vanilla Is Still A Flavor 

Something about ‘never going back.’ (Product screenshot)

It all boils down to what you want. Sticking to the good old-fashioned one-on-one romp doesn’t mean you’re boring, and bringing in toys doesn’t equate to being wild. 

Enjoying the latter also wouldn’t mean that you’re not capable of doing the deed “normally.” Adult toys can complement your sexual experiences and offer variety rather than replace them.

Remember that sexual exploration is a personal journey. It’s important to prioritize comfort, communication, and consent with yourself and your partner.

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