The Caveman DNA | Carnal Cravings, Unfiltered.


You Can Silence Your Mind With This Underrated House Chore

Photo by Prawny

I’m not fond of doing work that does not directly benefit me. My lazy gene immediately activates whenever I’m placed in these situations. But I’ve appreciated one house chore, particularly its meditative value. 

Ready for this? Washing dishes. 

I don’t enjoy handling food scraps, regardless of whose plate they came from. There’s an ick factor to it that I avoid as much as possible. My perceptions changed one night after a drinking session as I was rinsing whiskey glasses and beer mugs.  

There was a feeling of satisfaction in my chest, knowing I rid the sink of clutter. It was an easy dopamine hit from getting shit done, a rush that’s much more beneficial than refined sugar or amphetamines. 

You can also think of it as a cleansing ritual. Clear your bad vibes and negative thoughts into the sudsy silverware on your hands and wash them away. 

So, the next time you do a house chore like washing dishes, don’t rush. Take it as slowly as possible. Look far out into the yonder if you wish. 

BE PRESENT. When was the last time you did that? 

Cheers, and be well.

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